Utilizing LinkedIn For Your B2B Marketing Strategy

Utilizing LinkedIn For Your B2B Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn B2B Marketing Strategy

With so many social media platforms out there, it can be difficult to decide which one(s) should be utilized and more importantly, where your ad dollars should be allocated.

It’s important to understand the strategy, as each platform has its strengths in weaknesses. Facebook is dominant when it comes to users, showing 2.91 billion users from a recent DataReportal study. TikTok will help you engage with a younger audience. InstaGram continues to be a platform that has the most engagement.

However, if you are a business trying to connect with other businesses to sell your product or service, you may want to focus your attention on LinkedIn.

The most obvious reason is that LinkedIn is a professional network. It’s a platform used by business professionals to communicate with colleagues and peers, as well as promote career achievements. LinkedIn allows its users to select a title and company – two key attributes that can be utilized in the platforms targeting capabilities. LinkedIn also tends to filter out the “noise” of other social media platforms and focuses on quality professional content that can also be used to your advantage.

There is a fine line between quality content and “salesy”, and it’s a line that needs to be respected. Marketers can make the mistake of forcing content on an end-user that will not only result in a sale, but will have a negative impact on the brand. LinkedIn should be a tool to convey thought leadership. It’s a stage where you can educate others on why your product or service deserves the time of day. At ARO Effect Marketing, we have helped put together many success B2B strategies for our clients, and LinkedIn has been a big part of that success. The key difference is utilizing it in the right way.

Questions about LinkedIn or B2B marketing? Contact us and let us know!